Use "frown|frowned|frowning|frowns" in a sentence

1. The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.

2. Why are you frowning?

3. Why are you frowning at me?

4. She frowned with concentration.

5. Paula frowned, suddenly wary.

6. And he was frowning.

7. Nancy shook her head, frowning.

8. " No, " said Mary frowning.

9. He contemplated his hands, still frowning.

10. He frowned at her anxiously.

11. Holly, are you still frowning?

12. He frowned with mock severity.

13. Frowning detracts from her beauty.

14. 19 He frowned with mock severity.

15. Such behaviour is frowned upon.

16. Mattie frowned at him disapprovingly.

17. She studied the letter, frowning thoughtfully.

18. She frowned at me, clearly annoyed.

19. He peered through the lens, frowning slightly.

20. What are you frowning at me for?

21. Frowns Obbard Sabik Brioschi discrepancy's Alumiferous convex-concave pegwood

22. No, that wasn't quite true, she corrected herself, frowning.

23. Dad frowns and says, "No, I think it's yucky.

24. She gave a little frown.

25. Badmouthing on any level is frowned-upon

26. What's wrong? Why are you frowning?

27. She wore a worried frown.

28. She frowned as she read the letter.

29. Other pesticides are legal, but frowned upon.

30. A frown creased his forehead.

31. A frown crossed her brow.

32. The boy gave a small frown.

33. Stop frowning before you break your face.

34. Smoking is frowned upon in many restaurants.

35. He sat frowning over a crossword puzzle.

36. Shiona frowned at the phone in total bewilderment.

37. This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.

38. What's with the frown, B.?

39. A frown marred his handsome features.

40. Many teachers frown on such practices.

41. So the rebuke of his Countenance indicates his anger and frowns

42. A friend that frowns is better than a smiling enemy. 

43. Frowning, by comparison, may have the opposite effect.

44. Why are you frowning at me? I've done nothing.

45. Turn that frown upside down, Lurch.

46. A worried frown creased her forehead.

47. A small frown creased her forehead.

48. Not a frown upon its face.

49. Violet trudged toward Emma with a frown.

50. His forehead was bunched in a frown.

51. 16 She frowned as though deep in thought.

52. Gambling is frowned upon by some church authorities.

53. Victorian propriety would have frowned upon such individual excesses.

54. His forehead knotted in a frown.

55. Her frown grew deeper at the memory.

56. And they might frown upon our behavior.

57. Micky's brow corrugated in a simian frown.

58. Minded by Corpulent nymphets with wings and frowns, in reticence t

59. Notes: Kikori mezzo-soprano frowns thin-leaved Bespatterer warsles polysomous bonyfish nonpolluted

60. She was frowning slightly and holding a piece of paper.

61. She frowned portentously to add weight to her suggestion.

62. After a cursory glance at the report he frowned.

63. He frowned, casting his mind back over the conversation.

64. Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon.

65. In her family, any expression of feeling was frowned upon.

66. I frown upon smoking in public restaurants.

67. She looked up with a puzzled frown.

68. A disapproving frown settled on her face.

69. A frown may express anger or displeasure.

70. He would frown on such a proposal.

71. He returned frowning, his face obstinate but whistling jauntily.

72. He frowned and in stentorian fashion summoned a doctor.

73. He looked at her with a puzzled frown.

74. My parents always frown on late nights out.

75. Some restaurants frown on men not wearing jackets.

76. "Leave me alone, " she said with a frown.

77. She saw his frown and hastened to explain.

78. There was a deep frown on his brow.

79. The mountains frown down on the plain.

80. A frown quickly wiped away her smile.